Mrs. Heather Branscome » Student Council

Student Council


Overall Information:

The purpose of the Student Government shall be to develop attitudes of and the practice in good citizenship; promote harmonious relations throughout the entire student body; foster good student-teacher relationships; improve school morale; provide a forum for student expression; assist in the orderly direction of school activities, and promote the general welfare of the school.


  • Each member shall support and uphold the provision of the Student Council constitution.
  • Each member shall present the opinions and the decisions of the majority of the class
    members of his or her class.
  • Each member shall interpret to his constituency the actions of the Student Council.
  • Each member must attend monthly and specially called meetings.
  • Each member is required to take part in all functions, events, and activities that the
    council sponsors.
  • A written excuse must be provided within three days of a missed meeting to the faculty
    sponsor. Please note: Excused absences include only those which would be considered
    excused by the school. Jobs, being off campus 4th period, non-medical appointments,
    etc. are not considered excused.
  • Missing more than two (2) meetings for unexcused reasons will result in your removal
    from the Student Council. For seniors, this includes graduation committee meetings as well.

Executive Board

  1. President:  current senior who served on Student Council last year
  2. Vice President: current junior or senior
  3. Secretary: current sophomore of junior
  4. Treasurer: current junior or senior
  5. Recorder: current senior


  1. Each candidate must possess good morals and leadership abilities.
  2. Each candidate from the first year at East must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
  3. Each candidate must have attended East Davidson High School for a minimum of one complete semester immediately preceding the semester in which elections are held.
  4. Each candidate must be approved by the principal and faculty.

Class Officers


  1. Each member from the first year at East must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
  2. Each member must maintain a reputation of high regard and must have no record of any serious disciplinary action.
  3. Each member must have attended East Davidson High School for a minimum of one complete semester immediately preceding the semester in which elections are held.


  1. Each member shall support and uphold the provision of the Student Council constitution.
  2. Each member shall present the opinions and the decisions of the majority of his or her class.
  3. Each member shall interpret to his or her constituency the actions of the Student Council.