Student Services » Seniors


Senior Presentations
Please watch the "mini" videos below for senior information, starting with the introduction.
Senior Year Timeline
This timeline will take you through your senior year, and highlight some of the important things to keep in mind as you prepare for graduation!

Not sure what you are doing next year? 

Like to work hands on?  

Want to make money immediately while getting on-the-job training?

Want to earn a college degree debt-free?

This is an opportunity for YOU!  

Watch the information video about the Davidson Davie Apprenticeship Consortium!



This is a GREAT opportunity for students who like to work with their hands and may not be interested in a 4-year college setting!  Students can receive on-the-job training while getting paid, and take classes at the community college that relate to their job.  At the end of their apprenticeship, they have experience with a local manufacturing company, an Associate's Degree, and no college debt.  It is a way for students to walk right into a career!


For specific information please visit the DDAC website.


If you have any questions, email Mrs. Hiller.

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